Italian Sprinkle Cookies: Taralli for Easter

Delicious and Colorful Taralli Cookies

As Easter draws near, I am craving the cheerful cookies from my childhood: taralli (pronounced “tuh-dahli” or “tuh-dahls”).  My Italian mother (also known as Grandma Rita) always makes these cookies for the Christmas and Easter holidays.  Also, a batch is ready and waiting for us whenever we visit because her grandchildren love them.

The only change I have made to Mom’s recipe is I use butter instead of Crisco.  Also, after making the recipe several times, I have re-written it to be a bit easier to follow (hopefully).  In addition, after some research, I changed the spelling from “tarroli”, as my mom had it, to “taralli”.  I’ve discovered that there are many different ways to make taralli.  Some taralli recipes call for yeast and the cookie is boiled and baked.  Some recipes are more like a savory snack than a cookie and use wine, pepper or fennel for flavor.  Grandma Rita’s taralli is a “dolci”, or sweet version, because the recipe calls for sugar and shortening and is baked.  Overall, the cookies are light on both sugar and shortening, but the glaze and sprinkles add just the right amount of delicate sweetness.  These cookies are delicious with a cup of tea or coffee and are a great way to celebrate any special occasion.  They also freeze well, glaze and sprinkles included!

Click on the Recipe Rescue page at the top to enjoy this recipe

***Let us know what your favorite “special occasion” recipe is – just click on the title of this post and scroll down to leave a comment.***

Check-out other taralli recipes at the following website:

8 Comments on “Italian Sprinkle Cookies: Taralli for Easter”

  1. This is a fab post, thanks for the idea. We have been getting exited about easter too! For a bit of a traditional English take on things you might like our roast lamb recipe

  2. Marion Gaetano says:

    I would like the recipe for Italian sprinkle cookies. Tarralies for Easter. Thanks

  3. […] In my family, the holidays are not complete without homemade taralli cookies.  I’ve had some requests to re-post my Mom’s recipe for her Italian sprinkle cookies.  These delicately sweet cookies are delicious with a hot cup of tea or coffee and are the perfect pre-breakfast treat for Christmas morning.  To view my original blog post, click here: Taralli Cookies […]

  4. Dawn says:

    Could you please send me the recipe for the italian sprinkle cookies? I would love to make them for Christmas! Thanks!!

  5. Christine Cusumano says:

    My 84 year old grandpa, Salvatore Cusumano, who is from Sicily is looking for this Iced Taralli. He has tried some but they are not authentic taralli’s. May you please send me the recipe to my email which is, Thank you.

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